Bring a team

Why bring a team?

Europe needs the gospel. God’s ‘Plan A’ to reach a lost and dying world has always been you – the Body of Christ. EI exists to be the bridge between the gospel and Europe’s loss. Will you join us in becoming that bridge to bring the love and truth of Jesus to Europe?

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Bring a team Praying

How Does it work?

If you are a pastor, missions pastor, youth pastor, Bible College staff, small group leader, etc., then you can send a team to Europe with EI. Here’s what you need to know:

EI teams partner with European churches and/or ministries for outreaches across the continent. We value the European body of Christ and believe great strength comes from working hand-in-hand with them to reach the lost. EI works closely with European ministries to enable your team to be more effective while here in Europe. You will have EI staff and our partners engaged with your team while they are in Europe.

EI will plan your trip from start to finish. We will be with you from your first email until well after your trip – whether it is a question of logistics and coordination or our prayer that you need. We arrange and secure housing, ground transportation, meals — and most importantly, work tirelessly to create a meaningful and high impact ministry schedule that fully utilizes your team’s strengths, giftings, and talents. We have seen the most impactful ministry results with a minimum team size of 10. EI also provides support with your team’s recruiting, training, and more. Experienced EI staff members will be on the trip with you, ensuring your success.

Join the front lines Missions

EI trips are a front line mission experience. Your team members will come alive as they share the gospel in both cities and villages, to the least and to the great. While we believe cultural orientation is important, we are not into tourism. A free day is often reserved on each trip, but the other outreach days are packed full so that your team’s time is maximized in order to impact hundreds, if not thousands of lives. And besides changing Europeans, God will change the lives of each team member, too

Interested in bringing a team to Europe? Tell us about it!

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