European Initiative has been conducting ministry in Ukraine for seven years. The war has only deepened our commitment. Click below to support our efforts to help Ukraine in their time of great need.

The Call to Ukraine

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, EI had a mission team on the ground at that very moment. Although the team inside Ukraine was  immediately evacuated, as the crisis began to unfold, we were profoundly burdened that there was more we needed to do to help the Ukrainian people.

Our hearts were stirred as we heard of thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the war zones pouring into Uzhhorod, Ukraine, where we had just conducted outreaches. Supplies in the city began to run out and banking systems became unreliable. It was a call to action. EI staff and volunteers immediately began driving cargo vans with supplies into Uzhhorod and  Lviv. Soon after EI began driving supplies to other cities, going further into eastern Ukraine.

European Initiative has driven 110 cargo vans carrying over $800,000 of aid into Ukraine. Your generosity has made this supply line possible. Thank you for standing with us.

EI's Mission to Help

Each cargo van carries several metric tons of food staples, hygiene items, bedding, medical supplies, clothing, and Bibles. Sadly, we have even delivered body bags for the dead. Supplies delivered are faithfully distributed throughout Ukraine by our trusted local ministry partners. EI staff and volunteers have courageously delivered vital supplies into the war-torn nation at great peril. As of the one-year anniversary of the war, EI has driven more than 130 cargo vans into Ukraine delivering more than $925,000 in aid.  

Our staff has met wives and children whose husbands and fathers are fighting on the frontlines; some have lost their beloved in battle. We’ve met others who have hidden in bomb shelters for days without food and water before managing to flee. Personal tragedies unfold on a daily basis.

Your prayers for Ukraine are still urgently needed. Pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray for protection over our ministry partners and EI staff and volunteers as we continue to serve the people of Ukraine during this extraordinarily difficult time!

Thank you for standing with us!!



Your donations go directly to the front lines impacting people in places like Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kherson and Kyiv.

Will you give to bless those most in need?

When you give to EI you are giving to a ministry that is on the front lines everyday bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost Europe.